Importance of Newspapers
Introduction—The word News is made up of four letters N, E, W and S. Each letter symbolises one direction. N stands for North, E for East; W for West and S for South. Hence, a newspaper is a paper that contains news of all directions—North, South, East and West.
A newspaper collects information about happenings in the world through news agencies and prints them on a paper.
Contents of a Newspaper—A newspaper contains political, social, economical, religious and several other kinds of news. Everybody finds something of his/her interest in it. Children, young persons as well as old persons find newspaper interesting. There is a column for market report exhibiting wholesale prices of a lot of articles of daily use and quoting market value of shares and stocks of leading concerns. So a man of business is also interested in it. Art, music, entertainment, games, general knowledge and all such things are there in a newspaper.
There are advertisements of various kinds in the newspapers. They inform us about new and useful inventions. They are a source of income for the newspaper. Advertisements concerning matrimonial alliance provide immense relief to parents in choosing consorts for their sons or daughters. Assorted advertisements provide an unfathomable relief to people of different sorts. Only because of these advertisements we get a newspaper within our reach price.
Importance of Newspapers —Newspapers guide and teach us. They try to educate and shape public opinion. They are necessary for a democratic society. They express the views of the public in a free and fearless manner. Most of us are too busy to think of the great problems of our country, so we rely upon- the newspaper and accept the view they present to us. We can also express our views under the column ‘Letters to the Editor’.
Conclusion —Newspaper is a powerful weapon. It is a measuring rod to determine the length of democracy in a country. And as such it should be handled carefully. Rumours and sensational news create a nasty atmosphere. Newspapers must present constructive and objective matter before their readers. They should not misuse freedom given to the press. Their criticism should not be biased. They should be impartial in their news and views.
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