Thursday 11 February 2021

Write an Essay On Pollution

Pollution has become a very common yet serious issue in today's world it has been there for a long time even before human evolution such as volcanic eruption wildfire which lead to various photochemical reactions in the atmosphere the current concern is that it is rising day by day due to various sources of pollutants and one of the pollutants is human and human created machines..

What is pollution?
Pollution sepsis the presence of contaminants in the natural environment that causes harm and damage and it leads to adverse changes.

kinds of Pollution :There are mainly three kinds of pollution 
1.Air pollution 
2.Water pollution 
3.Soil pollution.

Air pollution :Air pollution occurs due to the presence of harmful gases and substances in the air it is due to vehicle emissions dust and dead poisonous gases from the factories to reduce air pollution we should use carpooling or public transport rather than using your private vehicles we should avoid burning trash or other materials etc.

Water pollution : Water pollution happens when toxic substances get mixed in various water bodies such as lakes, oceans rivers etc. Here toxic substances mean chemical fertilizers, industrial waste, sewage and wastewater Marine dumping etc.

Soil pollution :Soil pollution statics the contamination of soil due to the presence of toxic substances such as excessive use of of fertilizers and pesticides former deforestation industrial waste maintain the soil fertility the government must limit the usage of fertilizers and plant more and more trees.

How to reduce pollution gradually?
Upon learning about the harmful effects of addition it is everyone's responsibility to take some steps towards prevention. We should be aware of all the possible preventive measures to help reduce every kind of pollution such as to curb air pollution we should avoid bursting crackers during any festival or using public transport for carpool to reduce air pollution or cutting down the usage loudspeakers and we should always be aware of the situation and take measures accordingly.we should take eco-friendly steps like planting more trees reduce the usage of plastic use more sustainable products in the household.

Conclusion :in a nutshell every kind of pollution leaves are huge negative impact on our environment human life animals etc. We, as responsible citizens must take steps towards a better tomorrow we must join hands to take various initiatives and fight against these problems

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